Sweepers Squad

Posted by Yodi Dady on 08:35 with No comments

Sweepers are important role if you are suited with offensive team. Their main role is very simple, defeat enemy before you got defeated. Pokemon in this category has an amazing stat in their Atk/Sp.atk, and Speed but poor defensive capability. How to build a sweeper? Check this out!

- Choosing the Mons

There are wide array of pokemon's base status that suited to fill the role as sweeper. Sweeper has 3 categories, physical sweeper , special sweeper and mixed. Sweeper pokemon focus stat is the offensive ( Atk/Sp.Atk) and speed, but if the pokemon did'nt have a good speed stats, raise it by speed boosting moves like Dragon Dance ( for physical) or Quiver Dance ( for special) altough the Quiver Dance is rare move. Or simply used priority moves to outspeed enemy. If they did'nt have good offensive, use attack boosting moves like Sword Dance ( physical) or Nasty Plot ( special) There are many list of pokemon that suited for sweeper, but i will give the example from popularity of the mons.

a. Physical

- Garchomp
Hp : 108 | Atk : 130 | Def : 95 | Sp.Atk : 80 | Sp.Def : 85 | Speed : 102

- Gyarados
Hp : 95 | Atk : 125 | Def : 79 | Sp.Atk : 60 | Sp.Def : 100 | Speed : 81

- Scizor
Hp : 70 | Atk : 130 | Def : 100 | Sp.Atk : 55 | Sp.Def : 80 | Speed : 65

- Weavile
Hp : 70 | Atk : 120 | Def : 65 | Sp.Atk : 45 | Sp.Def : 85 | Speed : 125

b. Special

- Latios
Hp : 80 | Atk : 90 | Def : 80 | Sp.Atk : 130 | Sp.Def : 110 | Speed : 110
- Alakazam
Hp : 55 | Atk : 50 | Def : 45 | Sp.Atk : 135 | Sp.Def : 95 | Speed : 120
- Gengar
Hp : 60 | Atk : 65 | Def : 60 | Sp.Atk : 130 | Sp.Def : 75 | Speed : 110
- Greninja
Hp : 72 | Atk : 90 | Def : 67 | Sp.Atk : 103 | Sp.Def : 71 | Speed : 122
c. Mixed

- Infernape
Hp : 76 | Atk : 104 | Def : 71 | Sp.Atk : 104 | Sp.Def : 71 | Speed : 108
- Salamence
Hp : 95 | Atk : 135 | Def : 80 | Sp.Atk : 110 | Sp.Def : 80 | Speed : 100
- Tornadus Therian
Hp : 79 | Atk : 100 | Def : 80 | Sp.Atk : 110 | Sp.Def : 90 | Speed : 121  

- Moveset

For dual type sweeper, choose 2 attacking moves that have same type as their types to receive STAB ( Same Type Attack Bonus, base power * 1.5). The last 2 moves is depending on their stats. If they have good speed but medium offense or vice versa, use boosting moves and 1 coverage moves. Boosting moves always have a special spot for sweeper, because it's the key for sweeping the enemy's team. In the competitive play, dual type mons usually shine brighter than single type because they gain 2 STAB moves. So i suggest to play with dual types mons as a offensive core

For mixed, choose the STAB moves that same "kind" with their biggest offensive stats. For example, use Dragon Claw / Outrage (physical) on Salamence rather than Draco Meteor / Dragon Pulse ( special) because Salamence Atk is 135 and Sp.Atk is 110. Rest of the moves is same as other sweeper, a boosting move and coverage attacking moves.

- Items for the Win

Good skills with wrong equipment can lead to Hall of Shame. Sure, the right items choosing is one of the key for victories. For sweeper role, simply we choose attack boosting items and common support items for sweep. Check this out!

-Life Orb
Most commonly used in offensive mons. Life Orb raise your damage output multiplied by 1.3 trade with your 10% hp reduces every you use attacking moves. Worthy enough 

-Choice Scarf
Raise your speed by 1.5 but only choose one moves every you used the mons. If you switch with another mons, you can re-choose the moves again. Good for surprise attack from mediocre speed mons

-Lum Berry
Removes status conditions once (burn,poison,paralyze,sleep,freeze,confuse)

Focus Sash
-Enable to endure any attack no matter how poor your defensive if your Hp at max.

There are many list of the usable items for sweeping, but i only choose the top used items

