Pokemon Competitive Battle

Posted by Yodi Dady on 09:21 with No comments
From the beginning of the old generations Red/Blue/Yellow until all new 3d generations of X/Y/OR/AS, pokemon species blooming from the legendary number; 150 + Mew to unimagineable 721 and it's still growing! Most of veteran player consider that the game storyline itself are pretty easy, except the real struggle from gen 1 player who choose charmander and battle Brock and Misty in the first 2 gym LOL. But, people evolving like a pokemon. They may be a frustrating kids back to the gen 1, and evolve into adult veteran pokemon player in this era of gen 6 and start thinking to aim the bigger challenge in the pokemon world, the COMPETITIVE!

 - What is the Competitive Battle?

When you battle with the AI in the game, no matter if they are a gym leader, elite 4, or a champion itself, if you are at least memorizing every type advantages - weakness and resistance, the game itself at overall just a cake walk. But the real flame of the battle is when you face the human itself. Every pokemon game have a feature that let you to battle with another player online. This is the real challenge, as a trainer you need to know every depths of the pokemon, their status, the move, the ability, and many more. Building a team (six pokemon) can be your way to the Hall of Fame or the inverse of it, Hall of Shame :P

- The Team

The first thing you should do if you want to be the real pokemon trainer is building the core - the Team itself. You should pick a six from the 721 pokemon that suits your play style. The combinations of all pokemons make a vast variations and options for building the team. From there, you should know the role of each member of your team. The role itself depend on the pokemon status. Here's the list :

a. Sweeper
b. Tanker
c. Support
d. Wall
e. Wallbreaker
f. Mega Pokemon  